Acupuncture In San Francisco
What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient method of healing dating back to approximately 1,500 BCE. The physicians of the time found that using sharpened stones or bones to puncture the skin affected the function of the body and could be used to positively affect health.
The medicine found its roots in Taoist thought. As such, it considers the body and the environment to be inextricably linked. The presence of cold, heat, wind, damp, and dryness all affect the health of the body. Furthermore, food, drink, and drugs are also considered to be a part of the environment and have similar effects on the body as other environmental factors. Emotions are also considered to be a part of the internal milieu and affect the function of various organs.
Modern functional medicine agrees with this perspective. This can most readily be seen in our recent understanding of epigenetics, which studies how environmental factors influence genetic expression, and thus, the biochemistry, function, and form of the body.
If you would like to learn more about how acupuncture can positively affect your health, contact Dr. Daniel Metzger to discuss the benefits of acupuncture. To schedule your acupuncture appointment, please call (415) 295-5374 and request an appointment at our wellness clinic in San Francisco. Our wellness clinic is conveniently located to patients in San Mateo, Oakland, Noe Valley, Bayview, and more.
How Does Acupuncture Work?
In the simplest terms possible, acupuncture has two important effects on the body. First, it signals to the body where to increase blood flow. The blood contains nourishment and can wash away inflammatory agents. The perfusion of blood to the affected tissues and organs is imperative to the healing process. Second, acupuncture modulates the nervous system. This allows the body to manage stress and move from a sympathetic response (fight, flight, or freeze) to the parasympathetic mode (rest and relaxation). Stress is a major cause of many symptoms, and stress management is an important approach to treating dysfunction.
What Is Dr. Daniel Metzger’s Approach?
Dr. Metzger specializes in the use of acupuncture and Chinese medicine applied sports medicine and orthopedics. Techniques used may include acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, massage, trigger point needling, moxibustion, cupping, and gua sha.
In order to restore muscle inhibition, it may be necessary to use electro-acupuncture, also known as e-stim. This technique sends a mild current through the tissues between two needles. The stimulus aids in restoreing muscle function, stopping the pain signal, and nourishing the tissues.
Massage and manual therapy may be used in a targeted way to modulate neural function contributing to pain signals or break up adhesions related to musculoskeletal dysfunction.
Trigger Point Needling
For musculoskeletal problems, it may be necessary to needle trigger points. This is a technique used to relieve muscle tension in specific areas.
Moxibustion is the burning of an herb, mugwort, to warm the interior. Mugwort has a property that allows the penetration of heat into the deeper levels of the body. In cases where cold has penetrated into the joints and tissues, this can aid in increasing blood flow and restoring function.
Cupping helps pull stagnant blood from the deeper tissues to keep it all flowing. Proper circulation of the deeper tissues is important for optimal function. It also has the effect of relaxing the muscles.
Gua Sha
Gua sha is the scraping of a ceramic tool over the skin. It has an anti-inflammatory effect on the tissues.
What Should I Expect For My Visit?
Upon arrival, you will be given an intake form to fill out. When your session starts, Dr. Metzger will discuss your health history with you and your current state of symptoms. He may also take your pulse and ask to see your tongue to complete his diagnosis.
After the health history is taken, the acupuncture needles will be inserted, and you will rest for approximately 30 minutes. If you are new to acupuncture, the initial visit will use fewer needles to gauge your reaction to the treatment. Please wear loose clothing so that it will be easy to access various acupuncture points.
If appropriate, Dr. Metzger may offer any of the above techniques as a part of the treatment.
Using acupuncture is a process of constant adjustment. The points and techniques used may change according to your individual needs. Every person needs something different and reacts differently. Thus, the process changes over time.
Schedule An Acupuncture Appointment In San Francisco Today!
If you are experiencing pain, tension, limited range of motion or other musculoskeletal problems contact Dr. Daniel Metzger to discuss the benefits of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. For more information on how acupuncture works, please call (415) 295-5374 and request an appointment at our wellness clinic in San Francisco. Our wellness clinic is conveniently located to patients in San Mateo, Oakland, Noe Valley, Bayview, and more.